Step 2. Watch! Listen! Feel! Create! (10 points )


Watch the video and write down three adjectives (You can download the worksheet here and write down the adjectives) that describe the place best of all

 Create a cinquaine

 Look through the photo gallery and make a photo album to illustrate the cinquaine

 Download your poem with the photos here


Step 3. Read and  find the information (20 points)


Having watched the video and pictures, can you guess the right answers to  the questions: 


Where is this place?

Who lived there?

What did the people do?

Why was the place called the intersection of cultures?

Whay was Fort-Ross the example of glorious pages of the Russian people?

What is this place nowadays?

Why is it worth visiting?


 Read the articles to check your guesses:

Write down 5 amazing or important facts from the history of Fort - Ross.


Step 4. Find out some  amazing facts (10 points).


Go on a virtual tour to find out some amazing facts,_California

Add three amazing facts into your collection of facts.


Have you been attentive during the virtual tour? Play and check:

Do the quiz, play the game: 


Step 5. Fill in the timeline (10 points).

Read the articles about famous people and main events of Fort-Ross history: 

Fill in the timeline "Main Events of Fort -Ross history". 


Step 6. Write an article "The Unique Place. The Glorious Pages" (45 points)

Download your article here